Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Infant to Toddler

This is my job. I smiled at the customer as she left my line, pushing the cart that held her newborn baby and the two bags I just put in her cart.

"Have a nice day," I said though I preferred, have a good one, which I said every now and then. When I turned thirty, I couldn't pass a baby without wanting one of my own. It didn't matter that I didn't have a way of supporting myself. I just knew I wanted one. A few years later, I was okay to look at babies, because I knew I wanted something else.

A baby cried from somewhere beyond my view in the small store.
When I saw the store manager, I slipped my small pad of poetry lines in my front pocket and bent down to look through the blue container of items customers returned or brought with them to the register and changed their minds about. I arranged most of the items in shopping carts according to the section they belonged in. You had to look busy or they'll give you work and that wouldn't look good. And I wanted to keep my job, even as I pined for other things.

"Hi Dayla," Andrew, the store manager said as he walked into customer service.

"Everything's fine up here." I was glad that I took the time to clean off the counters and organize the diapers and clothes and toys.

"Looks good," Andrew said as he glanced around him and then got on the computer directly behind the two cash registers.

"Thanks," I said, thinking of the new poem I was going to read at open mike night this Saturday. It felt like I was doing better. I left customer service to straighten nearby items that customers went through since I last reorganized those items.

This is my job, I thought as another hour passed and customers came in the store to browse and then walk out. It was frustrating standing in this box. But at least I had my poetry. It meant I had something.

I imagined someone coming in the store and asking to see my writing.

I heard the doors swish open and quickly closed my mini composition notebook and stuffed and my pen in my front pocket.

"How are you? Can I help you find anything I can help you with?"
The woman walked passed me, continuing her conversation on her cell phone. She was pushing a cart with two young boys. A man, also pushing a car with two young boys and a baby in the seat attached to the handle bars. He grinned and said, "yeah, you can help us make another baby." He laughed while my eyes grew round. He started pushing his cart and I said, "You can't just say that to a person." But, he was already in an aisle.

I shook my head, I can't work here anymore. I shivered a little and waited for the moment to pass till I could look around for something to keep me busy, something that would have my managers smile to see me taking the initiative.

I shook my head and thought this would pass.

I assisted two customers before the man returned with his wife and their children. I closed my eyes and wondered how I could turn this into a piece of writing.

The man
despite his wife

He was putting his items on the counter before I could think of the third line.

"Did you find everything you were looking for?" He put a tub on the counter that he used to carry liquid bath soap, towels and wash cloths. "I'm surprised my wife didn't pick up more." We both saw her leave the store.

I ignored his leering eyes and started scanning his items, saving the tub for last. I kept my eyes on each item, only glancing at the computer screen, glad that he was cooing at his baby.

"He's cute," I said. I closed my eyes, wishing I hadn't spoke so quickly. But the baby was adorable.

"But what about the baby. Numbers can definitely tell--."

I interrupted him by telling him his total. Maybe this was a test since this didn't happen often.

He looked appologetic once the transaction was finished. "Gotta keep life exciting."

Not that way. I turned towards the store to see if there were any other customers approaching me. I pulled my notebook from my pocket and started writing a few lines for a possible poem. Possible lines to recite on stage at Speak With Coffee.

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